September 20, 2024

Mining sector flourishes with access to 55 markets worldwide

The mining industry’s products have gained access to 55 global markets, with a value of JD1.88 billion last year, a report released Wednesday by the Jordan Chamber of Industry (JCI) showed. India accounted for more than 34.7 percent, or JD682 million, of the mining sector’s total exports in 2022, followed by Indonesia with 10.9 percent (JD215 million), China with 8.73 percent, and Malaysia with 5.32 percent, the report indicated. The report highlighted the mining sector as one of the largest industrial sectors, as phosphate and raw potash constitute one of Jordan’s most abundant natural resources. With an annual production of JD2.36 billion, mining production generates an added value of more than 70 percent of the total production volume. The mining sector also houses one of the highest investment values of about JD2.23 billion distributed over 97 establishments employing approximately 8,600 workers. Jordan’s mining sector has several projects and joint programs with other countries, including Iraq, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain, which will help attract investment and increase and diversify exports, the report indicated.

Source: Jordan News Agency