September 20, 2024

Lazzarini praises Kuwait’s funding increase to UNRWA

GENEVA, The Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), Philippe Lazzarini, praised on Tuesday Kuwait’s increase in funding to the agency after it announced a recent voluntary contribution of USD 30 million.

In a press conference, Lazzarini said that UNRWA witnessed a significant increase in private funding, which was estimated at USD 115 million after other countries such as Iraq and Algeria joined the list of funders by providing voluntary contributions to the agency.

Lazzarini noted that the northern Gaza Strip suffers from a “famine” mainly due to the prevention of humanitarian aid and the lack of cash, which prevented Palestinians from purchasing food supplies despite their availability in some stores.

He also expressed his concern about the treatment of Palestinian prisoners by the Israeli occupation forces, noting that they are subjected to torture, degrading and inhuman treatment, in addition to being deprived of food.

Last week, the State of
Kuwait announced a voluntary contribution to UNRWA worth USD 30 million, renewing its demand from the international community to recognize Palestine’s membership in the UN.

Source: Kuwait News Agency