September 20, 2024

Kuwaiti Interior Minister: Whoever authorized the allocation of 200 seats for Iraqi fans is not within his authority

The First Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense and Minister of Interior of Kuwait, Sheikh Fahad Al-Yousef, confirmed that whoever declared the allocation of 200 seats for Iraqi fans to attend the match between the Iraqi and Kuwaiti national teams scheduled to be held on September 10, is not within his authority.

Al-Yousef stressed, in a statement to the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Qabas, that “whoever declared the allocation of only 200 seats for Iraqi fans, is not within his authority to declare that, but this matter is within the authority of the government, which is the decision-maker and not within the authority of any party.”

Regarding the mechanism for the entry of Iraqi fans, Al-Yousef explained that they “will come to watch their country’s national team match in Kuwait and will then leave according to the agreed procedures and period.”

The Iraqi Ambassador to Kuwait, Al-Manhal Al-Safi, announced the adoption of a mechanism for the entry of 5,000 Iraqi fans to Kuwait, who hold electronic passports, t
o attend the match between the Iraqi and Kuwaiti national teams in the second group qualifiers for the World Cup, on September 10.

The Iraqi Ambassador said that he met with the First Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense and Minister of Interior Sheikh Fahd Al-Yousef, and the efforts of the embassy and the efforts of the Iraqi Minister of Interior Abdul-Amir Al-Shammari, after meeting Sheikh Fahd Al-Yousef, were crowned with success for the entry of fans to attend the match, which will bring together the two brotherly teams.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency