September 20, 2024

Kuwaiti charity distributes humanitarian aid to displaced Sudanese in Chad

The Kuwaiti charity organization Tanmeia announced on Monday that it has distributed food and health aid to 1,000 displaced Sudanese in eastern Chad, addressing the dire humanitarian conditions they face due to the ongoing conflict in their country, which has led to widespread displacement.

Dr. Mohammad Al-Rashidi, Director of Humanitarian Work and Supervisor of Field Aid Implementation at Tanmeia, told KUNA that the displaced Sudanese are in a very difficult situation, lacking basic humanitarian services.

They are also facing severe shortages of food, medicine, water, and health supplies, he pointed out.

Al-Rashidi added that the organization, in cooperation with local partners in Chad, distributed relief aid in the areas of Farshna and Adre in eastern Chad.

This aid included essential food supplies such as rice, oil, flour, and sugar, as well as various medicines aimed at treating malnutrition and addressing health issues related to mothers and sanitation, he clarified.

Al-Rashidi indicated that the or
ganization has allocated approximately 37,000 Kuwaiti dinars (about 120,000 US dollars) for this aid campaign.

Following the distribution of food and medicine, the campaign aims to provide tents for the refugees, he said, adding that that one of the most significant challenges they faced was ensuring the safe delivery of donations amidst the spread of hunger and the severity of conflicts.

This was done in coordination with the Kuwaiti Ministry of Social Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and officials in Chad, he said.

Dr. Al-Rashidi emphasized that this humanitarian aid campaign is part of Kuwait’s ongoing commitment to assisting those in need around the world.

He expressed gratitude to the charitable individuals who generously donated to support those enduring the harsh realities of displacement.

Source : Kuwait News Agency