September 20, 2024

Kuwait condemns Israeli starvation, genocide policy against Palestinians

Kuwait’s Permanent Representative to the League of Arab States, Ambassador Talal Al-Mutairi, affirmed, Wednesday, the Kuwaiti condemnation of the starvation and genocide crimes that the Israeli occupation forces continue to commit against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

This came in a speech by Ambassador Al-Mutairi before the extraordinary session of the Arab League Council at the level of permanent delegates to discuss the continuation of the crime of genocide and the policy of starvation committed by the occupying Israeli entity.

The ambassador warned of the Israeli occupation forces continuing their grave violations of international humanitarian law against the Palestinian people, considering this a threat to international peace and security.

He made it clear that it is unacceptable to continue the international stagnation towards ending the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip and remain silent on the daily violations and official statements of officials in the Israeli occupation authorities, which
confirm that they have flagrantly violated international laws and norms and all UN resolutions.

Further, he stressed that the Israeli occupation authorities’ disregard for the International Court of Justice’s provisional measures, which demanded that humanitarian aid routes be opened without delay, “is considered a crime against humanity and an insult to the dignity of individuals, as they have the right to obtain food.” He also pointed to the speech of the UN Rapporteur on the right to food, Michael Fakhri, during the 55th session of the Human Rights Council, where he said, “Israel practices starvation as one of its tools to commit genocide, as we have never seen a civilian population suffering from hunger anywhere else in the world during modern history.” Al-Mutairi stressed that Kuwait supports all efforts made by the Palestinian Authority to alleviate the suffering of the brotherly Palestinian people,” adding that “our position is firm and principled toward the Palestinian issue.”

Source: Kuwait News A