Kuwait completes oil spill cleanup off southern waters – KOC

Cleanup efforts to remove any forms of pollution triggered by an oil spill off Kuwait’s southern waters are now complete, state-run Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) said on Thursday, hailing the “timely” manner in which the procedure was carried out. KOC teams were quick to respond to an oil spill that spread over two kilometers on Tuesday off the southern Al-Julaiah shoreline, employing effective equipment to clean up any lingering remains, the company’s spokesman Ghanim Al-Otaibi said in a statement.

The Kuwaiti state-run oil company’s personnel completed a thorough assessment of the area affected by the oil spill, the spokesman said, citing the measure as part of national commitment towards environmental protection measures. He went on to acknowledge the state bodies involved in dealing with the incident, saying these efforts were instrumental in helping contain the oil spill.

Source: Kuwait News Agency