September 21, 2024

KUNA training Ctr wraps up program in collab. with US Embassy

KUNA Media Development Center wrapped up on Tuesday a program titled (responsible journalism) that was conducted in collaboration with US Embassy’s Public Affairs.

The program saw the participation of KUNA journalists along with other news journalists.

After the training, Public Affairs Counselor at the U.S. Embassy, Dr. Farid Mohamed, thanked KUNA for their cooperation and highlighted potential areas for further collaboration, especially in training journalists on verifying news sources and identifying disinformation.

He emphasized the Embassy’s commitment to training Kuwait-based journalists through various programs both in the United States and in Kuwait. This training, conducted by U.S. public diplomacy expert Akram Elias, focused on analyzing news sources to distinguish between credible and less credible information.

On his part, Elias praised KUNA’s initiative in creating this opportunity and gathering journalists from different outlets to participate in this program where they focused on the main c
omponents of being a responsible journalist, especially in this day in age where disinformation is much easier to come across.

He also pointed to the fact that everything discussed had a theoretical aspect and some had practical applications as well.

KUNA Media Development Center was established in 1995 to train media personnel and elevate their skills.

Source: Kuwait News Agency