September 21, 2024

JSF: Jordan ranks 5th among Arabs, 55th globally in Gov’t readiness index for AI, 3rd, final add

The recommendations included:

– Enhancing the access of all regions in the Kingdom and different segments of society to fast, efficient and affordable communication and internet services. This is to promote local development, digital inclusion and productivity, which will have a positive impact on job opportunities and wages.

– The need to prepare a periodic survey to assess the readiness of public and private institutions to adopt artificial intelligence technologies in their production processes.

– Utilizing the results of these surveys to draw appropriate public policies that balance technological development and its employment on the one hand, and economic and social development on the other hand.

– The need to launch awareness campaigns and training workshops on the concepts of artificial intelligence.

– The importance of integrating it into the production process, as well as the importance of adopting the ethical, legal and security controls that govern its use.

– The importance of starting to int
egrate artificial intelligence tools into the primary, secondary and university education stages.

– This is with the aim of providing educational outputs with good skills for the labor market.

– The need to encourage investment in the field of information technology infrastructure and emerging artificial intelligence technologies.

– Striving to attract major international companies working in this field.

– The need to support scientific, technical and applied research in the field of artificial intelligence and emerging technology.

– Encouraging partnerships between local and international universities to prepare specialized research and studies in this field.

– The need to link industrial and technological companies to direct specialized studies and research in this field towards supporting the production process.

– In addition to targeting an increase in the level of spending on research and development in the general budget of the state during the coming years to enhance its efforts to accelerate di
gital transformation.

– Finally, the need to provide an enabling environment to encourage venture capital to invest in innovative technology projects.

– Developing the financial market to become more liquid and deep, in order to encourage start-up companies that have achieved net profits for two consecutive years to list, as well as to encourage venture capital companies to invest in them and exit them easily.

Source: Jordan News Agency