September 21, 2024

Jordan’s new ambassador to Guatemala presents credentials

Guatemala: Jordan’s new Ambassador to Guatemala, Adly Khalidi, presented his credentials to Guatemalan President, Alejandro Giammattei, as the Kingdom’s accredited non-resident envoy, during a ceremony held at the presidential house in the capital, Guatemala City.

Khalidi conveyed His Majesty King Abdullah II’s greetings to President Giammattei, and his wishes for further progress and development to the friendly Guatemalan people.

For his part, President Giammattei asked Khalidi to convey his greetings and appreciation to His Majesty King Abdullah II, praising His Majesty’s wise policy.

He also expressed the Guatemalan government’s interest in strengthening and developing bilateral relations, wishing the Kingdom and the Jordanian people continued progress and prosperity.

Guatemalan Foreign Minister Mario B?caro and Director of Bilateral Cooperation in the Guatemalan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Linsay Hernandez attended the ceremony.
Source:Jordan News Agency