September 29, 2024

Jordan welcomes Security Council resolution calling for ceasefire in Gaza during Ramadan

Amman: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates on Monday applauded the United Nations Security Council’s adoption of a resolution calling for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip during the holy month of Ramadan.

The Ministry’s spokesperson, Sufyan Qudah, said Israel must abide by this decision, which also prioritizes safeguarding people, permitting the unhindered supply of humanitarian aid, and guaranteeing that it is delivered in an adequate and sustainable manner to every area of the Gaza Strip.

In addition to highlighting the necessity of building on this decision, Qudah expressed his hope that it will help bring about an immediate and lasting ceasefire and that the Security Council and the international community would take action to safeguard the two-state solution and ensure the establishment of an autonomous and sovereign Palestinian state on the pre-June 4, 1967 borders, with occupied Jerusalem as its capital, in a way that guarantees security, peace, and stability in the region.

Source: Jordan
News Agency