September 20, 2024

Jordan Commemorates 56th Anniversary of Al Karamah Battle

Amman: Jordan on Thursday observes the 56th anniversary of the Battle of Karamah, a major clash on March 21, 1968, which saw Jordanian forces successfully fend off an Israeli offensive in the Jordan Valley’s town of Karamah, translating to “dignity” in Arabic.

On this historical occasion, His Majesty King Abdullah II received messages from high-ranking officials and military officers. Likewise, HRH Crown Prince Hussein received similar messages in recognition of the event.

The battle resulted in the tragic loss of 88 Jordanian soldiers, with another 108 sustaining injuries. The Jordanian military effectively countered the Israeli assault, inflicting substantial casualties, including 250 killed and 450 wounded Israeli soldiers.

The battle led to significant material losses on both sides, with Jordan losing 13 tanks and 39 vehicles, and Israel suffering the destruction of 88 vehicles along with seven fighter planes being downed.

The initial motive behind Israel’s attack was purportedly to dismantle a strong
hold of Arab fighters in Karamah. However, the underlying objective was to capture the strategic eastern highlands of the Jordan Valley in Balqa, located 35 kilometers northwest of Amman. This maneuver aimed at encircling the capital, compelling Jordan to capitulate and seizing additional territories.

Israel’s broader ambition was to diminish the Jordanian military’s capacity and consolidate its dominance following its victory in the 1967 war.

The battle reached a critical point when Israel proposed a ceasefire five hours into the fighting, an offer firmly rejected by the late King Hussein. He stated the refusal would stand “as long as a single Israeli soldier remains on the eastern bank of the Jordan River”.

King Hussein later praised the Jordanian forces for their meticulous planning and strategic execution during the battle, highlighting their success in preempting the enemy’s movements and maintaining the element of surprise.

The resolve and bravery demonstrated by Jordan in this confrontation garnere
d widespread acclaim from senior military officials and media outlets in the West, celebrating Jordan’s triumph over a more formidable adversary.

Source: Jordan News Agency