September 20, 2024

JOC: A destroyed and those inside it killed by an airstrike in Hamrin Mountains

The Joint Operations Command announced the destruction of a terrorist hideout and the killing of those inside it, with an airstrike, within Hamrin Mountains.

The command said in a statement: “The painful airstrikes continue against the defeated ISIS elements and the aborting of their desperate malicious intentions. Through observation by thermal cameras and with intelligence and technical efforts from the Military Intelligence Directorate and under the supervision and follow-up of the targeting cell affiliated with the Joint Operations Command, F16 aircraft carried out a successful airstrike at 7:00 am on Thursday, during which they targeted a terrorist hideout in Hamrin Mountains within Diyala Operations Sector.”

It added: “The strike led to the killing of the terrorist detachment and the destruction of what was in the hideout, including a fuel tank, ammunition and logistical materials. Information indicates that this hideout was a point of presence and movement used to provide logistical support to ISIS t
errorist gangs.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency