September 20, 2024

JHCO Launches Campaign to Aid Gaza Students Studying in Jordan

Amman: The Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization (JHCO) has initiated a campaign aimed at aiding university students from Gaza studying in Jordan, in collaboration with content creators, while also welcoming cash donations from across the globe.

In a statement released on Thursday, the JHCO outlined the campaign’s objective to gather monetary contributions to alleviate the burden of accumulated university tuition fees faced by students from the Gaza Strip. These financial strains stem from the challenging circumstances resulting from ongoing Israeli aggression in the region.

The statement emphasized that pre-registration has been made available for Gaza students, with an estimated 200 beneficiaries anticipated to receive assistance through the campaign. These students, pursuing their educational endeavors within Jordan, have encountered financial hardships exacerbated by the effects of Israeli aggression on Gaza.

Hussein Shibli, Secretary-General of the JHCO, underscored the organization’s commitment to th
e future of Gaza students and recognized the pivotal importance of facilitating their educational pursuits. He highlighted the profound impact of Israeli aggression on Gaza’s economic landscape, which has consequently posed significant obstacles for students studying in Jordan, hindering their ability to fulfill university financial obligations.

Source: Jordan News Agency