September 28, 2024

Irrigation Min Discusses With Italian Amb in Cairo Bilateral CooperationUN Reiterates Position: All settlements in West Bank are Illegal

Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation Hani Sweilem discussed during a meeting on Wednesday 6/3/2024 with Italian ambassador to Egypt Michele Quaroni and his accompanying delegation bilateral cooperation in the water treatment, water distribution and renewable energy domains.

Fabrizio Ferrari, head of major Italian companies working in the field of water treatment, attended the meeting.

The minister of irrigation referred to a study being implemented in cooperation between the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation and the World Bank on upgrading water irrigation systems.

The study included new solutions to reduce water salinity of agricultural drainage water to be used for agricultural purposes.

Sweilem also pointed out that the study represents a model that can be built upon in the future to develop areas in different places in the valley and delta.

Source: State Information Service Egypt

New York: The United Nations reaffirmed its longstanding position today that all Israeli settlements, both existing and planned, are illegal under international law.

UN spokesperson StĂ©phane Dujarric stressed that the UN’s stance on this issue remains unchanged, and the organization does not believe settlements contribute in any way to achieving a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

These statements come in response to an Israeli minister’s announcement today regarding the Israeli authorities taking another step towards building nearly 3,500 new settlement units in the occupied West Bank.

Source: Jordan News Agency