September 21, 2024

IEC Sets August 21 Deadline for Media Accreditation for 2024 Parliamentary Elections

The Independent Election Commission (IEC) has announced that the deadline for submitting accreditation requests for local journalists, media professionals, photographers, technicians, and staff from both local and international media outlets to cover the 2024 Lower House of Parliament elections is Wednesday, August 21, 2024. The IEC emphasized that no accreditation requests will be accepted after this date.

In a statement issued Sunday, the commission urged those interested in covering the elections and who meet the accreditation criteria to visit the IEC’s website, review the executive instructions, and complete the necessary application forms.

The Board of Commissioners of the Independent Election Commission had scheduled the voting date for the 2024 Lower House of Parliament elections for Tuesday, September 10, 2024.

Source: Jordan News Agency