September 20, 2024

Hammad briefs Aqeela Saleh on the latest measures taken by his government regarding the crisis of rising water levels in Zliten.

Benghazi: The Prime Minister-designate of the House of Representatives, Osama Hammad, briefed the Speaker of the House, Aguila Saleh, on the latest measures taken by his government regarding the crisis of rising water levels in Zliten.

“Hamad” confirmed to “Saleh” – according to the government’s website on its Facebook page – that his government has taken a number of immediate measures that will contribute to resolving the crisis in the city.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives directed the Prime Minister to find the necessary solutions to the rise in groundwater levels, and to take urgent measures to protect citizens from the dangers of groundwater and provide all needs, according to the same source.
(Al-Kabir), (Shakshak), and (Bin Qadara) meet to increase oil production.

Tripoli: Today, Wednesday, an expanded meeting was held that included the Governor of the Central Bank of Libya, ‘Al-Siddiq Al-Kabir,’ the head of the Audit Bureau, ‘Khaled Shakshak,’ and the Chairman of the Board of Directors o
f the National Oil Corporation, ‘Farhat Omar Bin Qaddara,’ in Tripoli.

The bank’s media office stated that the meeting included a presentation on projects to increase oil production, the financial allocations required for those projects, the fuel payment mechanism, and the existing challenges.

The meeting also discussed the water crisis in the city of Zliten, support for the government’s efforts, and the National Oil Corporation’s contribution to addressing this crisis.

The meeting concluded with an emphasis on supporting or encouraging the Corporation’s efforts to raise production rates, and establishing a clear mechanism for financing the development projects presented by the Corporation, in addition to offering solutions to address the fuel supply mechanism.

They also emphasized raising rates of disclosure and transparency, and pushing for and strengthening the review and audit process carried out by the Audit Bureau and the relevant regulatory authorities.

The meeting was attended by the Deputy Gover
nor, Marai Al-Barasi, the Director General of the Libyan Foreign Bank, and a number of advisors and experts.

Source: Libyan News Agency