September 21, 2024

GTD new building construction agreement signed

Amman: The Government Tenders Department (GTD) signed an agreement with the awarded company to prepare studies, designs, and tender documents for the construction of the GTD new building.

GTD Director General Mahmoud Khlaifat said that the new building will improve the department’s quality of services provided to all government units, entities, partners, and service recipients.

“The new building will be the first entirely green government building, meeting all green building requirements in terms of energy efficiency, natural lighting, and waste management. The Jordanian Green Building Guide (mandatory and obligatory requirements) will be used to fulfill maintenance and operation requirements,” Khlaifat said Sunday in a statement

He explained that the signing of the agreement aligns with the GTD’s approach, as it has recently launched a project to promote Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) in Jordan.

Khlaifat commended Minister of Public Works Maher Abu Al Sammen for his support of the project, w
hich incorporates elements of creativity and modernity into its designs and is consistent with Jordan’s long history of engineering designs as well as the harmony between Islamic architecture and modernity in architectural facades and interior designs to provide services.

Source: Jordan News Agency