September 20, 2024

Gov’t Communication Forum hosts JHCO SG

Amman: Minister of Government Communications and Government Spokesperson Muhannad Mubaidin, and Secretary-General of the Jordan Hashemite Charity Organisation (JHCO) Hussein Shibli, will hold a meeting with media representatives titled “Relief and Humanitarian Efforts of the Jordan Hashemite Charity Organisation.”

The meeting will take place on Tuesday at noon at the Ministry of Government Communications building.

The meeting is held under the scope of the Government Communication Forum, which the Ministry established and hosts to address public issues and subjects with officials, the community, and the media.

The meeting will focus on JHCO’s efforts to send humanitarian and relief aid to brothers in the Gaza Strip, as well as the organization’s operations and projects both inside and beyond Jordan.

The Ministry of Government Communications invited journalists intending to cover the conference to attend a quarter of an hour early and to produce the relevant document that proves their work with any of the
media outlets.

Source: Jordan News Agency