Gov’t Communication Forum highlights agriculture landscape, challenges in light of climate change, 1st add

The minister pointed out that the rise in poultry prices is due to the decrease in quantities as a result of a disruption in production cycles due to fluctuating temperatures and the pentecostal atmosphere that characterizes the months of April and May, which helped in the spread of viral diseases, an increase in the percentage of mortality, and a decrease in conversion rates by delaying the bird in reaching the marketing weight (1700 g feathers) from 32 days to 40 days and more.

“With the stabilization of weather conditions over the past two weeks, the production cycle is witnessing an improvement in the low mortality rates and high conversion rates,” he said, “We expect with the continuation of the poultry breeding cycle to close the gap in production and avoid shortages in proportion to the needs for poultry meat.

He added that the Ministries of Agriculture, Industry and Trade have coordinated to set price ceilings for fresh chicken sold to hotels and restaurants at JD2.5 per kilo.

Hneifat explained tha
t the decrease in production quantities and the rise in prices were global and regional, and that the price increase in Jordan is moderate compared to regional countries.

Hneifat added that the Ministry of Agriculture has worked to overcome import obstacles since October to minimize the impact of the closures in Bab al-Mandab and the high prices of shipping and insurance on containers.

Source: Jordan News Agency