September 22, 2024

EU Rep. describes attacks on Turmus Ayya as “terrorist”, calls for holding occupation, settlers accountable

The European Union (EU)’s representative to Palestine, Sven Kuhn von Burgsdorff, described as a “terrorist attack against the Palestinians who are safe in their homes,” the aggression launched by the Israeli occupation soldiers and Jewish extremist settlers on the town of Turmus Ayya, northeast of Ramallah, on Wednesday. He called for “holding all those who carried out such acts accountable, to ensure that such attacks are not repeated in the future under any form.” Burgsdorff gave his remarks during his visit to Turmus Ayya on Friday, accompanied by a delegation that included EU and other countries’ ambassadors, consuls and representatives, to check first-hand the repercussions of the aggression launched by settlers on the town, which resulted in the martyrdom of the young man Omar Jabara “Abu Al-Qutain” (25), and injured 12 others by live bullets, in addition to burning about 30 houses and more than 60 vehicles, under the protection of the Israeli occupation forces. The delegation offered condolences to the family of martyr Omar Jabara, and listened to testimonies from citizens on the attacks against them and their property. “This land is occupied and does not belong to any other party, regardless of the classification of areas A, B, and C. Therefore, Israel is obligated under international law to prevent any aggression carried out by settlers, and to defend and protect Palestinian citizens as an occupying power, and bring anyone who attacks their safety to justice so that he can be punished,” Burgsdorff emphasized. He stressed that “the European Union will follow up on the issue at all levels, and we will convey this message to all capitals of countries that these attacks must stop, as they violate international law.” During a visit to the family of martyr Omar Jabara, Burgsdorff said, “Omar is a hero and a brave man. He was martyred while helping the owners of burnt houses and defending them.” For his part, Representative of Ireland in Palestine, Don Sexton, said, “Israel is required to give many answers as an occupying power, and it is responsible for what happened.” For her part, the British Consul General in Jerusalem, Diane Corner, said, “Britain is following up on what happened in Turmus Ayya and other areas, and all these events constitute an unprecedented increase in the volume of settler attacks, until they have currently become on a daily basis, and all of them are unacceptable attacks, and the aggressors must be held accountable”, stressing the need to stop it and protect all civilians, regardless of the classification of areas. Mayor of Turmus Ayya, Lafi Shalabi, in turn, said that what “happened in the town is a blatant and systematic attack by the extremist occupation government, and with the protection of its army. What happened is a real holocaust, during which everything was targeted, even women and children who were screaming to get out of their burning homes.” He explained that what happened “is a small part of the suffering of the Palestinian people, as the settlers’ attacks on us and on all Palestinian lands continue, and therefore our message must be conveyed that we are the owners of the land, and that the settlers are occupiers and murderers.” He called on the international community to urgently intervene to stop this from happening again, to hold the occupation government responsible for the aggression against the town, and to provide international protection for the defenseless Palestinian people.

Source: Jordan News Agency