September 21, 2024

EU approves first-ever rules on combating violence against women

EU Parliament adopted on Wednesday, the first-ever EU rules on combating violence against women and domestic violence.

The directive calls for stronger laws against cyber violence and better assistance for victims, said the Parliament in a press release.

The new rules prohibit forced marriage and outline particular guidelines for offenses committed online, such as the disclosure of private information and cyber flashing, it added.

It also noted that the new legislation would include a longer list of aggravating circumstances for offenses that carry more severe penalties.

The press release also noted that due to Parliament’s insistence, the Commission will report every five years on whether the rules should be revised.

Co-rapporteur from the Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Committee, Frances Fitzgerald (EPP, IE), said “Today Parliament has taken the first steps to make Europe the first continent in the world to end violence against women.” This is a wide-ranging piece of legislation that will prevent v
iolence against women, protect victims and prosecute perpetrators, she added.

The new rules will come into force twenty days after their publication in the EU Official Journal

Source: Kuwait News Agency