September 20, 2024

Electricity Minister meets with Saudi Acwa Power company officials

Minister of Electricity and Renewable Energy Mahmoud Esmat, discussed with Engineer Hassan, the Regional Director of Saudi Arabia’s “ACWA Power” company, at the ministry’s headquarters in New Alamein, ways to support and enhance joint cooperation in the fields of new and renewable energy and green hydrogen.

The meeting covered the implementation steps to accelerate renewable energy projects, including solar and wind energy, currently being developed in areas such as West Sohag, the Gulf of Suez, and other projects. These efforts are part of a strategic plan aiming to add new generation capacities from renewable energy sources in collaboration with the private sector, to reduce and rationalize fuel consumption and limit carbon emissions.

The discussion also touched on projects that the company has carried out in southern Egypt, including in Benban and Kom Ombo, as well as wind generation projects and other initiatives within the framework of cooperation between Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

Additionally, the meet
ing highlighted the fruitful collaboration between the electricity sector and ACWA Power as a successful model that should be supported. Future projects were reviewed, aligning with the state’s direction and the ministry’s strategy to expand in renewable energy fields and increase reliance on them in the coming phase, especially the 1100 MW wind power generation project. The activation of memoranda of understanding for other wind power projects with a capacity of 10,000 MW was also discussed.

Esmat emphasized that there are ongoing steps to accelerate the projects under implementation to increase the renewable energy capacity added to the national electricity grid. He clarified that the private sector is a key partner in renewable energy projects, and there is a general approach and concrete measures to open up opportunities for the private sector, providing the necessary support and overcoming any obstacles to increase local and foreign private investments in clean energy projects.

Source: State Informati
on Service Egypt