September 20, 2024

Egypt strongly condemns two terrorist attacks in Iran’s Kerman

Egypt strongly condemned the terrorist attacks that took place in the city of Kerman in southern Iran, which claimed the lives of hundreds of civilians on Wednesday, said Egyptian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ahmed Abu Zeid on his X (formerly Twitter) account.

‘My sincere condolences to the government and people of the Islamic Republic of Iran. We ask God to grant the families of the victims patience and solace,’ he said.

Two explosions took place in the city of Kerman, near the tomb of the late leader of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. At least 100 people were killed in the two blasts and more than 140 others were injured, according to the Iranian Ministry of Interior.

Al-Azhar, the top Sunni Islamic institution, also condemned the attacks, saying ‘Al-Azhar affirms its categorical rejection of all forms of violence and terrorism that target innocents, violate the sanctities of the living and the dead, and terrorize civilians.’

In a statement, Al-Azhar renewed its call for finding a global s
trategy to eliminate terrorism, rid the world of its evils, and achieve security and peace for all individuals and societies.

Source: State Information Service Egypt