September 20, 2024

Egypt, Spain call for wider int’l recognition of Palestinian State

Egyptian President Abdelfattah Al-Sisi and Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez have called for a wider international recognition of the independent Palestinian State to implement that two-state solution and peacefully resolve the Palestinian cause.

This came in a phone call President Al-Sisi received from Premier Sanchez on Monday, according to a statement issued by the Egyptian Presidency.

They affirmed that expanding the recognition of the independent Palestinian state will also support efforts to restore security, stability and peace in the region.

The Spanish Premier praised Egypt’s role on the political and humanitarian tracks to end the ongoing war on the Gaza Strip.

President Al-Sisi commended Spain’s stance on the current crisis and the Spanish Prime Minister’s efforts to support peace in the region.

They warned against the danger of military escalation in the Palestinian city of Rafah which houses over one million Palestinian refugees.

The two sides discussed the recent regional tensions and s
tressed the urgent need to end the tension to restore peace and security in the region.

They touched bilateral relations and stressed their keenness to enhance cooperation across various fields to achieve the interests of the two peoples.

Source: Kuwait News Agency