September 20, 2024

Dr. Yasmine participates in ‘International Day of Women and Girls in Science’

Dr. Yasmine Fouad, Minister of Environment, confirmed that increasing the rate of women’s empowerment in a number of leadership positions is the result of support from the political leadership.

His Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi has been keen, since assuming the presidency, to create a climate supportive of women’s participation in the decision-making process by increasing their representation.

In the government, parliament, boards of directors, the judiciary and other fields, pointing to the Ministry of Environment’s constant interest in involving women in environmental work, as the Ministry provides all possible forms of support in order to empower women economically as they are an influential element in all environmental issues.

This came during her participation in the ‘International Day of Women and Girls in Science’ conference, which was organized by the Faculty of Medicine, Misr University of Science and Technology, in the presence of Dr. Nadia Zakhari, former Minister of Scientific Resea
rch and member of the National Council for Women, and Dr. Nihad Al-Mahboob, Acting President of the University of Egypt and Dean of the Faculty of Human Medicine.

Dr. Ahmed Fouad, Vice Dean of the College for Community Service and Environmental Affairs, with the participation of a number of male and female students, and university professors.

The Minister of Environment thanked her for the invitation to participate in this important and distinguished event, and for choosing the appropriate university to celebrate this occasion in memory of Dr. Souad Kafafi, the pioneer of private university education in Egypt, who linked the role of women and science, and was able, through determination and challenge, to build this huge edifice, indicating her pride in representing… A large percentage of women hold the position of university deans, praising the scientific experiments that were reviewed during the conference, reviewing their journey and experience in the field of environmental work and the challenges and d
ifficulties that they faced since the beginning of their journey in the field, stressing that the love of work, persistence and dedication to it helped achieve many successes in this field. .

Dr. Yasmine Fouad explained that there were many challenges that she faced during her professional career, and she said, ‘The credit for what I have achieved goes to my mother, as she has endured much of what I have gone through in my professional life, and she is also considered the role model that I have followed in my life, stressing that the greatest challenge was to be careful.’

I will always live up to the responsibility placed on my shoulders as an Egyptian minister and mother, noting that her assumption of the ministry coincided with an important event, which was the Egyptian state hosting the first United Nations conference on biodiversity in Egypt, noting that despite the limited time and organizational challenges at the time, the support provided by His Excellency Mr. President of the Republic, Mr. Abdel Fat
tah El-Sisi, for this conference and honoring him with attendance had a profound impact on her overcoming it and continuing to perform her duties as Minister of the Environment.

The Minister of Environment added that the current supportive climate has greatly contributed to putting the environment issue on the table for discussions in all fields, directing her message to Egyptian women that every woman, regardless of the challenges and difficulties she faces, must not give up and try again and again until she reaches her goal and stands on solid ground.

The Minister of Environment pointed to several inspiring models at the local level, including the success of the idea of local biogas units, which was created by a woman from Upper Egypt in Assiut Governorate, and from there she began disseminating the idea, creating job opportunities for young people and linking them to the countryside, reaching gas to homes in the Egyptian countryside, and providing organic fertilizer to the farmer. from him.

Source: Sta
te Information Service Egypt