September 21, 2024

Dabaiba to (Khoury): Closing oil fields is a crime punishable by law.

Tripoli: The Prime Minister of the Government of National Unity, “Abdul Hamid Dabaiba”, stressed the seriousness of closing the oil fields, and not allowing this under flimsy pretexts, and the necessity of holding accountable those who carry out these shameful acts, and considering the matter a crime punishable by law, according to the media office of the Prime Minister.

This came during his meeting this afternoon, Wednesday, with the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Acting Head of the United Nations Mission in Libya, Stephanie Khoury, which discussed political developments in Libya, and Khoury’s briefing before the UN Security Council.

According to the office, “Dabaiba” stressed during the meeting the importance of cooperation with the United Nations to achieve consensus and overcome current crises, stressing the need for support from the international community in this context.

Source: Libyan News Agency