September 22, 2024

CPF launches 2024 Tawasol Forum

The Crown Prince Foundation (CPF) announced the return of the National Dialogue Forum, “Tawasol 2024.”

The forum aims to create an interactive space for the exchange of ideas and visions on national issues that reflect the realities and aspirations of Jordanian youth and society.

The CPF said that the role of the forum is not limited to analyzing various issues and challenges with the participation of official, private, and civil society entities, but goes beyond that to serve as a vital platform and a channel for the voices of the public and youth.

In a statement on Tuesday, the CPF explained that it works throughout the year to monitor key debates, public issues, national trends, and initiatives to be addressed in the Tawasol Forum through discussion and dialogue sessions with decision-makers and specialists professionally, providing researchers with clarity, a sound perspective, and a strong basis for participation in shaping future trends.

It stressed that the forum, whose idea is based on adopting a
dynamic dialogical approach, seeks to promote a spirit of positivity and optimism and embodies the importance of networking and constructive and meaningful dialogue as a key tool to enable all segments of society to actively participate in the decision-making process, consolidate the values of democracy and good citizenship, and form a more informed, participatory, and empowered public opinion.

According to the CPF, the Tawasol Forum seeks to enhance trust and cooperation between the public, youth, and stakeholders and focuses on re-establishing consensus on key objectives that serve the development and progress of Jordan, all within an informal atmosphere of transparency, neutrality, and diversity of opinions and public arguments.

Source: Jordan News Agency