September 21, 2024

Countrywide demonstrations held in support of Gaza

Amman: As the Israeli Occupation aggression against Gaza has entered its 98th day, Jordanians continued their protests in solidarity with Gaza and against the Israeli aggression that has taken thousands of innocent civilian lives there.

In Amman, after Friday prayer, a protest was started at the Grand Husseini Mosque in downtown Amman, in which the participants denounced the ongoing Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people in Gaza.

Demonstrators valued South Africa’s stance in taking legal action against Israeli atrocities against civilians in the Gaza Strip before the Hague Court.

In Tafila, 183 kilometers southwest of Amman, shouts calling for the defense of Gaza Strip population against Israeli aggression were heard as a solidarity march was started in front of the Tafila Grand Mosque in support of the people living there and to condemn the barbaric Israeli attack against them.

They pointed to the initiatives taken by His Majesty King Abdullah II to halt the Israeli aggression on Gaza as well
as the ongoing support provided by a number of channels, such as field hospitals that provide medical and humanitarian aid as well as relief to the Palestinian people.

In Ma’an, 218 kilometres southwest of the capital Amman, a mass march in front of the Sharif Hussein Bin Ali Mosque was organized by a number of popular activists in support of the Gaza Strip’s citizens, urging the international community to put pressure on Israel to halt its war against Gaza.

In the port city of Aqaba, the city’s popular, political, and union activities coordinated a solidarity stand in front of the Al-Hussein bin Talal Mosque to express support for the brothers in Gaza and condemn the barbaric Israeli onslaught against the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Source: Jordan News Agency