September 28, 2024

Conference on Aviation and Alternative Fuels outlines a comprehensive strategy for transitioning aviation industry to clean, sustainable fuels

Salvatore Sciacchitano, President of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Council, said that the United Arab Emirates has established itself as a frontrunner in hosting significant initiatives and leading events

with a global impact, particularly those addressing climate change and the upcoming COP28 conference.

Sciacchitano made the statements at the launch of the 3rd ICAO Conference on Aviation and Alternative Fuels (CAAF/3) which kicked off in Dubai today to draw a clear roadmap for replacing fossil fuels with clean sustainable fuels.

He told the Emirates News Agency (WAM) that this process will require the concerted efforts of member states to build their capacities through enhanced financial support to countries that do not have adequate capacities for transformation in this sector.

The aviation sector, he continued, is witnessing a gradual growth in terms of technology, with the adoption of modern technologies contributing to the creation of a new generation of aircraft that produce
20% less carbon dioxide emissions than the previous generation.

The development of new engines and the new aviation configuration will further reduce carbon emissions, he added.

He noted that sustainable aviation fuel and aviation depend on two pillars: safety and security. ‘These two pillars will remain among the priorities of ICAO. Sustainability is also a fundamental pillar for ICAO and the sector as a whole.’

ICAO is hosting essential innovation initiatives in the urban mobility sector, in addition to focusing on cybersecurity as it is linked to innovation and modern technologies, he explained.

The general orientations of ICAO focus on safety and security as the basis for developing transportation, he said emphasising the importance of adopting technology, disseminating modern technologies and enhancing investments to make ambitions real and tangible.

The conference, he continued, convenes following a decision adopted by member states last year at the 41st Assembly, which defined the long-term aspira
tion target of removing carbon from air transport by 2050. There are several ways to achieve this goal, including the introduction of sustainable aviation fuel instead of fossil fuels.

He stressed the need to move gradually more and more towards the transition to sustainable fuel. This does not mean, he continued, that the fuel derived from agricultural waste, oils, and exhausted materials will replace fossil fuels in the medium term, but sustainable fossil fuels will be the ultimate outcome of gradually reducing or eliminating emissions, to be completely replaced by sustainable fuels by 2050 or 2060.

Source: Emirates News Agency (WAM)