September 28, 2024

Columbia University pres. resigns after Gaza protests turmoil

NEW YORK, Columbia University President Minouche Shafik has resigned from her position amid continuous tensions arising over campus protests against the war in Gaza.

Shafik said in an announcement quoted by local media sources that “it has been a period of turmoil where it has been difficult to overcome divergent views across the Columbia University community,” and that this period has taken a considerable toll on her family.

“I have tried to navigate a path that upholds academic principles and treats everyone with fairness and compassion,” she added.

She pointed out that “it has been distressing for the community, for me as president and on a personal level to find myself, colleagues, and students the subject of threats and abuse.” Shafik has been under pressure in recent months as her handling of the protests at Columbia University drew criticism on and off campus.

Shafik’s resignation came only a year after she took the position at the private Ivy League university in New York City.

Source : Kuwait N
ews Agency