September 22, 2024

Burjeel Holdings receives inaugural ‘AAA’ MSCI Provisional ESG Rating

ABU DHABI: Burjeel Holdings PLC today announced that MSCI has initiated a provisional ESG rating of ‘AAA’ for the Group, recognising Burjeel as one of just 6 percent of global healthcare leaders that stand out for their strong performance across Environmental, Social, and Governance (‘ESG’) dimensions.

Burjeel received the AAA provisional rating, the highest in the Health Care Providers and Services industry, as of 30th August 2024. This score confirms the Group’s leading position in ESG among its peers in the GCC.

MSCI’s evaluation underscores Burjeel’s stellar management of ESG-related risks and opportunities, particularly highlighting the Group’s success in reducing its environmental impact, as well as the safety and quality of its healthcare services and products. Burjeel was also recognized for its strong labor management practices, privacy and data protection measures, as well as its corporate social responsibility overall.

Dr. Shamsheer Vayalil, Founder and Chairman of Burjeel Holdings, said, ‘In li
ne with the vision of the UAE, which has made sustainable socioeconomic development a foundational pillar of the nation, we have integrated environmental stewardship as a core principle of our corporate governance. We are dedicated to facilitating healthy lifestyles and promoting well-being in the communities we serve, while aligning fully with global standards on environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and ethical governance. The AAA rating by MSCI recognises our efforts in this regard and represents a significant milestone for the Group.

“This important achievement acknowledges our robust corporate governance, excellent human capital development, and business initiatives that positively impact society. We are committed to further advancing our social responsibility and sustainability journey, incorporating MSCI’s suggestions to solidify our position as a leader in sustainable healthcare in the GCC.’

Source: Emirates News Agency