September 20, 2024

Bathily stresses the importance of Libya’s regional and international partners playing a constructive role in supporting political settlement.PM: Egypt is keen to expand participation between the government and private sectors

Tripoli: UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Libya, Abdoulaye Bathily, stressed the importance of Libya’s regional and international partners playing a constructive role in supporting a Libyan-led and Libyan-owned political settlement to the protracted crisis.

This came during his meeting yesterday with member of the German Bundestag, Tobias Bacherle, and the German Ambassador to Libya, Michael Ohnmacht.

Bathily said in a tweet that during the meeting they discussed the latest political and security developments in the country and stressed the importance of Libya’s stability for regional peace and security.

‘We agreed on the need for key Libyan institutional stakeholders to engage, in good faith and without further delay, in a dialogue to reach a political agreement on remaining contested issues to revive the electoral process and restore the legitimacy of national institutions,’ Bathily added.

Source: Libyan News Agency

Egypt is open to receiving foreign and local investors through the different opportunities it offers. The government adopted 144 reforms to support the private sector during since May 2022 to make business environment in Egypt more attractive and empower the Egyptian economy, Prime Minister, Mostafa Madbouly, made these remarks during his speech at the World Government Summit.

Madbouly said more than 1,000 private sector companies that take part in national programs which will help improve the Egyptian economy on all levels and shows the success of the government’s efforts to increase the private sector participation in the economy.

The Prime Minister added that Egypt seeks to raise the contribution of the installed capacity in the network of renewable energy to 42 percent in 2030 by implementing a number of agreements and cooperation protocols in the renewable energy sector, and is focusing its efforts in the current stage on implementing a strategy.

Egypt also aims to be a regional hub for green hydrogen
by 2026 and a global center for green hydrogen production by 2030, adding that the Egyptian government attaches special importance to green investments.

‘We are making unprecedented efforts to stimulate the performance levels of a number of economic sectors that support the flexibility of the Egyptian economy, led by agriculture, industry, communications and information technology, to raise their contribution to the gross domestic product to 50 percent in 2030,’ Madbouly added.

Egypt also aims to raise the proportion of green public investments in the investment plan for the fiscal year 2024/2025 to about 50 percent directed primarily to spending on projects characterized by environmental sustainability and contributing to reducing carbon emissions.

Source: State Information Service Egypt