September 21, 2024

Arab, regional nations, organizations welcome Security Council resolution calling for cease-fire in Gaza, 1st add

_: The Sultanate reaffirmed in a statement released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs its strong support for all UN resolutions pertaining to bringing about peace in the region, according to the Oman News Agency. It also emphasized the Security Council’s obligation to carry out its resolutions, safeguard civilians in the occupied Palestinian territories, and recognize the State of Palestine in compliance with international law.

The Bahraini Ministry of Foreign Affairs welcomed the UN Security Council’s decision to call for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip during Ramadan, expand the free flow of humanitarian aid to civilians, and strengthen their protection throughout the Strip.

According to the Bahraini News Agency, the Ministry renewed its call on the international community to assume its responsibilities in implementing this resolution, as it is an important step on the path to a permanent ceasefire, providing protection for civilians, and opening safe and sustainable humanitarian corridors to me
et their basic living needs, particularly food, medical and relief supplies, and rejecting forced population displacement. It commended the non-permanent members of the Security Council for proposing and supporting this resolution, led by Algeria.

The Arab League also applauded the Security Council’s accomplishment in passing a resolution 14 members supported it, with the United States abstaining that demanded an immediate ceasefire in Gaza for the first time.

Ahmed Aboul Gheit, the Secretary-General of the Arab League, confirmed that the decision was made belatedly, following over five months of heinous and violent Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip.

Source: Jordan News Agency