September 20, 2024

Arab Parliament reiterates support for Palestinian people

CAIRO, The Arab Parliament President Adel Al-Asoomi reiterated on Tuesday the Parliament’s support for the Palestinian people and their fair cause until they get their rights, freedom and have their own independent state with Jerusalem as its capital.

This came during his speech in the Palestine Committee meeting in the Parliament to discuss the latest development in Palestine.

He stressed that the Arab Parliament emphasized the centrality of the Palestinian cause and the continuation of its international, regional and parliamentary efforts to support the people of Palestine.

Al-Asoomi appreciated all Arab and International efforts that call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and end the conflict in the area, and also the calls for a full membership of Palestine in the United Nations.

He also condemned all Israeli decisions to legalize settlements in the West Bank and forcing taxes on churches and institutes in Jerusalem.

Moreover, he condemned the Israeli classification of the United Nations Relief and
Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) as a “terrorist organization”.

He stressed on the vital role that UNRWA played in supporting around 6.4 million Palestinian refugees.

Al-Asoomi expressed the Arab Parliament’s rejection of any attempts to forcibly displaced Palestinians in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip and to stand in the face of displacement in all its forms, which constitutes a clear violation of international law.

He later reiterated the call to allow the entrance of humanitarian aid quickly and safely without any obstructions, directly to the local civilians in the Gaza.

Source: Kuwait News Agency