September 21, 2024

Arab League slams Israel’s plan to confiscate 8,000 dunams for settlement expansion

Cairo: The Arab League slammed on Saturday Israel’s occupation government’s plan to confiscate 8,000 dunams of land in the Jordan Valley for settlement expansion purposes.

According to Jamal Rushdi, the spokesperson for the Secretary-General of the Arab League, the decision, which coincided with the US Secretary of State visit to the region, reflects an Israeli attempt to consolidate the illegal settlement reality and challenge the international will to implement the two-state solution. He added that the decision makes this solution impossible by expanding settlements and continuing to seize and confiscate land, especially in Area C, which constitutes about 60% of the area of the West Bank.

The spokesperson stressed that the occupation’s crimes in Gaza, no matter how heinous and brutal they are, should not divert attention from the ongoing Israeli plan to nibble away at the land and eliminate what remains of the two-state solution. He warned of the danger of what the occupation government is doing in destro
ying the future political horizon for the Palestinians.

Source: Jordan News Agency