September 28, 2024

Arab League calls on the world to recognize State of Palestine to save chances of peace, 1st, final add

Amman: In the meeting, which was held in an extraordinary session chaired by Mauritania on Wednesday at the headquarters of the General Secretariat, at the request of the State of Palestine, which was supported by all member states, the delegates called on the United States to review its biased positions towards the Israeli occupation, which prevents saving the chances of peace and implementing the two-state solution, and the exercise by the Palestinian people of their legitimate and inalienable rights, especially their right to self-determination, and the realization of the independence of the State of Palestine on the Palestinian land occupied in 1967, with Jerusalem as its capital.

The League Council called on international justice mechanisms to conduct an independent investigation into the mass graves uncovered in Al-Shifa and Nasser medical complexes in the Gaza Strip, from which hundreds of bodies of martyrs were recovered, as well as the deliberate targeting of specific groups such as medical and UN s
taff, journalists, university professors, children and women to make the Gaza Strip an unlivable place.

The Council of the League called for supporting UNRWA and protecting it from Israel’s plots to liquidate it, welcoming the resumption of some countries’ contributions to the agency and calling on countries that froze their support to resume this support, especially after the independent review of UNRWA’s work revealed the falsity of the Israeli claims, underscoring its neutrality and professionalism, and that it is irreplaceable.

The Council strongly condemned the continued Israeli aggression and genocide against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip in various criminal forms, including subjecting the Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip to starvation, practicing forced displacement against them, and the systematic destruction of all forms of life in the Gaza Strip.

The Council warned that the intention of the Israeli occupation army to invade the city of Rafah will mean a new massacre of the Pales
tinian people.

Source: Jordan News Agency