September 22, 2024

Arab-Asian forum confirms support for Hashemite custodianship over Jerusalem holy sites, 1st, final add

The ministers called on the Security Council to adopt a binding resolution to stop the Israeli aggression, shooting, and forced displacement against the Palestinian people and to ensure the flow of relief aid to the entire Gaza Strip.

The ministers emphasized the need to implement the decision of the joint Arab-Islamic summit held in Riyadh in November, including breaking the Israeli blockade on the Gaza Strip and the immediate entry of Arab, Islamic, and international humanitarian and relief convoys by land, sea, and air to the entire Gaza Strip, north and south.

They also emphasized that peace, security, and stability in the region can only be achieved by ending the Israeli colonialist occupation of the land of the State of Palestine, with Jerusalem as its capital.

The statement called for convening an international peace conference as soon as possible to launch a credible peace process based on the adopted international terms of reference within a specific time frame and with international guarantees l
eading to an end to the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories occupied in 1967, including East Jerusalem, the occupied Syrian Golan, and the rest of the occupied Lebanese territories.

According to the statement, the ministers expressed their categorical rejection of the Israeli plans for the day after the Israeli aggression, emphasized that the Gaza Strip is an integral part of the State of Palestine, and reaffirmed their support for assuming the responsibilities of ruling the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem by the government of the State of Palestine within the framework of a comprehensive peace vision in accordance with the approved international terms of reference.

The ministers reaffirmed that the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people and called on the Palestinian factions and forces to unite under its umbrella and for all to assume their responsibilities under a national partnership led by the PLO.

They also re
jected and condemned the systematic Israeli attacks and campaigns against UNRWA, including accusing its staff of terrorism without proof, emphasized the provision of support to the Agency as a UN responsibility that must be fulfilled, and called on all countries that have decided to freeze their funding to the Agency to reconsider their decision.

The ministers valued the positions of the Central Asian countries and Azerbaijan in supporting the Palestinian cause and the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people at the bilateral level and in international forums.

Source: Jordan News Agency