September 21, 2024

An MP from Nineveh demands a re-investigation and trial of detainees who were convicted after the liberation of Mosul

The MP of Nineveh Governorate, Nayef Al-Shammari, called for retrials of thousands of detainees sentenced on terrorism charges.

Al-Shammari said in a statement: After the operations to liberate Nineveh from ISIS, thousands of people from the governorate were arrested, and a large portion of the detainees had confessions extracted from them through coercion and torture. These confessions were extracted by some officers in the Nineveh Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism Directorate from 2017 to 2019, whom suspicions of corruption surrounding them.

He called for a re-investigation, considering that this is fairness and justice, and stated that the investigation could be re-investigated, and whoever is proven to be involved in belonging to ISIS is considered a terrorist and must receive the most severe penalties.’

Source: National Iraqi News Agency