September 21, 2024

Al-Sudani reviews the ongoing work at the Anbar power station Complex /Expanded

Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani made a visit to the Anbar combined power station project in the Euphrates district, during his visit to the governorate, which he arrived on Wednesday morning.

At the project headquarters, Al-Sudani held a meeting with the implementing company, and was briefed on the details and progress of the ongoing implementation work that had reached advanced stages of work. He listened to the proposals of the engineering team and directed speedy completion in accordance with the required specifications, stressing that no delay would be possible after the government had provided all requirements for the completion of the station. The meeting also witnessed reviewing the status of the electricity service throughout the governorate, and following up on the Akkaz gas project, which will feed the Anbar power station with fuel after its completion.

The Anbar power station is one of the important strategic projects, and work began on it in 2013. Due to the occupation of the governorate
by ISIS terrorist gangs, work on the project was halted for approximately 8 years. As part of the government’s approach to removing obstacles to lagging projects, work on the project was resumed in December 2022. Today, the completion rate has reached 50%.

The station consists of four gas units with a capacity of (273) megawatts, and two steam units (275) megawatts. The project aims to provide the national grid with an electrical capacity of (1640) megawatts, and local natural gas from the Akkaz gas field is used as fuel, thus reducing the cost of energy production and ensuring the stability of its equipment./End

Source: National Iraqi News Agency