September 20, 2024

Al-Sudani receives a delegation from the people of Muthanna Governorate

Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani received, today, Sunday, a delegation from the people of Muthanna Governorate, including the Commander of the Ansar Al-Marja’iya Brigade in the Popular Mobilization Forces, Hamid Al-Yasiri.

At the beginning of the meeting, Al-Sudani listened to a detailed explanation from the delegation about the service and social reality and the most important projects for the governorate, and their observations on the performance of the local government and manifestations of corruption, quotas and the implementation of projects at high costs, in addition to the great need for other projects that address the service problems that the governorate suffers from.

The Prime Minister stressed that supporting the political process, stability and security is everyone’s responsibility, whether they are political forces through their performance or citizens through their continuous participation in it, and recording observations on it, indicating that the peaceful transfer of power is the main
factor in political construction, and that the right to peaceful demonstration is guaranteed to all.

Al-Sudani stressed that criticizing and confronting the phenomenon of corruption must be within constitutional and legal contexts, and that restoring citizens’ confidence in the political process is our most important challenge, because the legitimacy of any political system is through its relationship with its people, stressing his knowledge of the service reality of Muthanna in all its details; as it is one of the poorest governorates, and that the largest part of the governorate’s projects is supervised by the government because they are among the ministries’ projects.

Al-Sudani explained that the governorate councils came through elections that the people of the governorate participated in, and that everyone must respect the choices of citizens, stressing not to remain silent and be polite about any corruption in public money, but through legal contexts, and that the doors of the government are open to c
itizens and will not abandon its role in following up on the performance of governors, pointing out the existence of follow-up committees in all projects, and that corruption complaints must be supported by documents, and Al-Sudani confirmed his previous directives to reject quotas and adopt standards of competence and integrity to choose officials.

Al-Sudani directed the formation of a committee headed by the Chairman of the Integrity Commission and the Financial Supervision Bureau, to visit the governorate to follow up on reports related to suspicions of corruption and waste of public money, audit them and refer them for auditing. If a defect is proven, an investigation will be conducted, the negligent will be identified and referred to the judiciary. He also directed the dispatch of a technical committee headed by the head of the engineering effort team and the follow-up team to visit the governorate and diagnose the shortcomings in the implementation of service projects. He also directed the Ministry of
Education to follow up on completed schools that were not received due to administrative and legal problems.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency