September 20, 2024

Al-Abed discusses with the French Ambassador ways to develop joint projects.Egypt expresses solidarity with Somalia against attempts to breach its sovereignty

The Minister of Labor and Rehabilitation, Ali Al-Abed, discussed with the French Ambassador to Libya, Mustafa Maharaj, ways to develop joint projects, especially in the field of work.

This came during a meeting held in Tripoli today, Thursday, in the presence of the Cultural AttachĂ© of the French Embassy and the Director of the Ministry’s International Cooperation Department.

During the meeting, Al-Abed reviewed what the Ministry has achieved at the level of human resources development in terms of training and qualification and the plan and organization of the labor market.

For his part, the French ambassador praised the role of the National Unity Government in organizing the Conference of Labor Ministers of the Sahel-Saharan Countries (S.S.), stressing his country’s keenness to support the recommendations of the conference’s outcomes, and to continue strengthening relations in all fields.

Source: Libyan News Agency

Minister of Foreign Affairs Sameh Shoukry met Thursday 18/1/2024 with Ali Mohamed Omar, charge d’affaires of the Somalian foreign minister, in the Ugandan capital, Kampala, hosting the 19th summit of the Non-Aligned Movement.

Minister Shoukry expressed Egypt’s solidarity with Somalia against attempts to breach its sovereignty, security and stability. He also stressed Egypt’s readiness to assist Somalia with human capacity-building, development plans and supporting its stability.

In turn, the Somalian official welcomed the statement released by the Arab League’s extraordinary session affirming solidarity with his country. He equally lauded the stances of many African states that back Somalia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. Further, the two sides agreed on continuous consultation and coordination in the coming period.

In his speech at the Arab League’s extraordinary session, Minister Shoukry pointed out Wednesday that certain parties aim for slowing down the journey of success the Somalian politica
l leadership had embarked on by implicating the country in security and economic challenges.

The minister shed light on the previous Egyptian warnings about Ethiopia’s unilateral policies, which are violations of international law and the principle of good neighboring. He noted that Ethiopia’s recent signing of an agreement with the unrecognized state of Somaliland to have access to the Red Sea was a proof of the Egyptian viewpoint given that such practices increase tensions in the region.

Minister Shoukry stipulated Egypt’s full support to Somalia, calling on all Arab and non-Arab states to express their respect to Somalia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity in alignment with the UN charter.

Source: State Information Service Egypt