September 22, 2024

Afra in South Jordan for people seeking therapy

Hammamat Afra in the southern Al-Tfailah province is a tourist mecca for people seeking to benefit from the hot water flowing from 15 springs and minerals” rich pools dotting the area.

Afra 45-48 degree waters originate from geological cracks and flow 120 meters below sea level at 500 liters per second.

The alkaline waters are rich in anti-oxidants and oxygen and are prescribed for treating illnesses such as rheumatism, muscle aches, neurological conditions and post fractures’ therapy.

The region is distinguished with caves adorned with sculptures dating back to the sixth century and remains indicating that the region had been densely populated in the old times.

Moreover, there is a tourist complex, clinics where patients can seek treatment from the available waters.

Source: Kuwait News Agency