September 20, 2024

5 Egyptian innovators to get practical training at Georgia Institute incubator

The Science, Technology and Innovation Funding Authority, which is affiliated with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research announced the qualification of five research teams in the third phase of “Innovate Egypt” program for a practical training in one of the incubators at the Georgia Institute of Technology to hone their skills and develop their projects.

Walaa Sheta, CEO of the Authority, praised in a statement the fruitful partnership between the Authority and the US National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, which resulted in the launch of the program with funding from the Egyptian-American Joint Fund for Science and Technology.

He said the program aims to support Egyptian innovators and promote entrepreneurship and provide them with the necessary skills to transform their innovative ideas into startups.

He said the practical training is a good opportunity to enhance the five innovators’ communication with international entrepreneurs and help them engage in workshops and l
earn how to market their ideas effectively.

Source: State Information Service Egypt