‫VinFast تتوسع عالميًا بفضل دعم شركتها الأم

هانوي، فيتنام – Media OutReach Newswire – يوليو2024 24 – شركة VinFast الفيتنامية الناشئة المتخصصة في مجال تصنيع المركبات الكهربائية اتخذت خطوة جريئة ضد التيار السائد في هذا المجال ، وتمضي قدمًا في خططها الطموحة للتوسع العالمي. توقفت مؤخرًا شركات كبرى مثل شركة Apple عن سعيها الذي دام عقدًا من الزمن لتصنيع مركبات كهربائية، وقلصت […]

‫VinFast تتوسع عالميًا بفضل دعم شركتها الأم Read More

Policymakers should recognise #SelfCareIsHealthcare in campaign bid to address global health challenges

Self-care is healthcare Self-care describes the role of individuals in preventing disease, promoting and maintaining their mental and physical health, and actively participating in their healthcare A wealth of evidence demonstrates the significant value of self-care to individuals, health systems, society and the economy Despite this, self-care is not universally viewed or understood as a […]

Policymakers should recognise #SelfCareIsHealthcare in campaign bid to address global health challenges Read More

The Official Gazette and the Ministry of Higher Education discuss the results of the legal research competition

Ramallah- Ma’an- The Official Gazette Office and the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, through the General Administration for Development and Scientific Research, held a workshop today to discuss the results of the scientific research that w…

The Official Gazette and the Ministry of Higher Education discuss the results of the legal research competition Read More

“Higher Education” calls on students and parents to exercise caution when registering in educational institutions

Ramallah – Ma’an – The Ministry of Education and Higher Education called on students and parents to be careful and accurate before registering and enrolling in any of the higher education institutions inside or outside the country or any of its branch…

“Higher Education” calls on students and parents to exercise caution when registering in educational institutions Read More

‘Equality’ launches the first platform concerned with minority rights, and civil society institutions hold a series of listening sessions with official bodies

Ramallah – The Palestinian Center for the Independence of the Judiciary and the Legal Profession (MUSAWA), in cooperation with the International Civil Forum Foundation and with the support of the Minority Rights Group (MRG) and the European Union, lau…

‘Equality’ launches the first platform concerned with minority rights, and civil society institutions hold a series of listening sessions with official bodies Read More