September 20, 2024

15 Terrorists Arrested In Three Governorates

The Military Intelligence Directorate announced today, Thursday, the arrest of 15 terrorists in Anbar, Salah al-Din and Nineveh.

It said in a statement that its detachments are continuing their qualitative and proactive operations to dry up the sources of terrorism and retribution from them, and according to accurate intelligence information of the divisions of the Seventh, Tenth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth and Twenty-first Divisions of the Military Intelligence Directorate and in cooperation with the security forces holding the land, tight ambushes were set up in Al-Baaj district and Al-Rashad and Albu Etha regions and the martyr Sabhan and Jabab checkpoints “resulted in the arrest of 15 terrorists wanted by the judiciary in accordance with the provisions of Article 4, terrorism in the districts of Rabia, Karma, Al-Qaim, Al-Sharqat and Mosul.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency